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Garland Tire

Garland Tire is a pillar of the Erwin, TN community. Garland Tire is a leader in offering name brand tires, wheels, auto repair and brake services for customers located in and around the Erwin, Tennessee area. Our goal is to focus on customer service. It is the foundation of our business. Garland Tire employs a well-trained staff specializing in the sale and installation of passenger car, performance and light truck or SUV tires. Custom wheels are available at Garland Tire. Special wheels and rims compliment any tire or customer vehicle. Complete under-car services, such as oil changes, brakes, shocks, struts, and alignment for both foreign and domestic vehicles are readily available at competitive prices. Take this opportunity to browse Garland Tire website or call us for personalized service.

Contact Us

Phone: (423) 743-7188
Address: 1212 N Main Ave
Erwin, TN 37650

Connect With Us

Garland Tire Company, Inc. is a BBB Accredited Tire Dealer in Erwin, TN
(423) 743-7188
1212 N Main Avenue • Erwin, TN 37650